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5 ways to Avoid Unnecessary Spending during a big move

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Moving from one house to another can cost several thousands of dollars. Especially if you have a lot of belongings or if you’re moving to a different city. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to cut your costs and avoid unnecessary spending. The most important thing residents should do is hire affordable movers who can help them plan and execute the entire move.

1. Hire Reliable and Affordable Movers

People who are trying to cut their costs may think of choosing the cheapest movers they can find. But a company without a strong reputation for good customer service might not be ideal because there is no guarantee that you will have a good experience. Your move might end up costing a lot more if the movers don’t show up. You have to book someone else at the last minute or postpone your move. Finding a good moving company isn’t difficult. A lot of the information you need is online. Check out the websites of local firms to find out whether they offer the kind of service you need. Look for a track record of success, positive reviews, and a comprehensive or customizable service. Many of the best moving companies offer additional perks. Packing materials, free storage for a certain amount of days, and information about moving strategies are a few. Send a list of what you re moving.

2. Clear Out Clutter Beforehand

The more stuff you have to transport, the more expensive and time-consuming your move will be. One of the best ways of reducing your costs is decluttering. Start several weeks or even months ahead of time. Sort your things into several piles: stuff you want to keep, stuff to throw away, stuff to sell, and stuff some of your friends or relatives might like. You can also do a garage sale to make some extra money. By starting this process early, you can make sure that you will have enough time to get rid of everything.

3. Pack Everything Up Carefully to Avoid Damage

During most moves, at least one item breaks, but this doesn’t have to happen to you. Careful planning and packing can help you to prevent damage. That saves you a lot of money because you won’t have to purchase as many new items. Before you start packing and loading your things into the van, speak to your movers about which items could be fragile. Experienced movers know which packing materials are ideal for which items. They will be able to help you protect everything. In addition to carefully packing up your items, your movers might pad your door frames. That is to make sure your furniture isn’t damaged as it is transported out.

4. Choose Your Moving Day Strategically

The most popular time to move is around the beginning or the end of each month, so you might get better rates if you choose the middle of the month. Additionally, most people prefer to move in spring or summer because they want to be in their new home when school starts in September. If you don’t have children and you’re flexible, consider choosing one of the slower seasons. Most people move on the weekend, and the slowest days for movers are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Booking on those days could be easier and cheaper, but it depends on your individual situation. If your job requires your presence during the week, you might save money by moving at the weekend and not missing out on work.

5. Plan Your Meals

People who don’t plan far ahead are often left with a lot of spare food. This either has to be packed up and moved, given away, or thrown out. It’s best to avoid food waste by thinking about your meals at least two weeks ahead of your move. Use up as many of your items as possible, and avoid buying in bulk until you’re in your new home. You can also save money by buying cheap snacks ahead of time instead of relying on takeout during moving day. There’s a lot you can do to reduce the cost of your move in . Start by clearing out all your clutter, choosing a suitable moving day, and planning your meals. Then, your affordable movers can help you pack everything up with the right materials, so nothing gets damaged. Call us at Family Movers Express to get a quote for your move.