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Long Distance Movers: Get a flat rate now

When you move long distance, there are many things you must keep track of. From finding a new home to packing up all of your belongings, a long-distance move can be nerve-racking to complete by yourself. When you hire our long-distance movers you can put your mind at ease and feel confident that your belongings will arrive at your new home intact.  Is your mover licensed for long distance? Check here

Six Tips for Moving a Large Family Long Distance

1. Hire Long Distance Movers

The first thing you can do to ease your long-distance move is to get an inventory prepared. A professional moving company that specializes in long-distance moves will have the tools, equipment, and procedures to make your long-distance move a simple matter.

Not only will a professional moving service do all the heavy lifting for you, but they will also deliver your belongings to your new residence, even if you are moving across state lines.

2. Lighten Your Load

When you are moving a long distance, it can sometimes be cumbersome to move numerous items. While you may not want to get rid of your entertainment system, you can lighten your load by donating equipment, clothes, kitchenware, and more. You can get in touch with local charities to learn about items that they accept and donate these items before you start packing.

3. Pack Ahead

It’s best not to pack at the last minute. Not only will a last-minute packing job be rushed and potentially put breakable items at risk, but it’s also easier to overlook items when you pack at the last minute. By packing ahead, you have the opportunity to organize all of your belongings, label boxes, and sell or donate items your family no longer uses.

Packing ahead is also important for children, as this gives kids time to come to terms with the long-distance move. Instead of feeling rushed, children can feel more at ease as they pack their belongings and emotionally process the move.

4. Set Aside Essentials

When you are moving long-distance, it’s best to set aside essentials you might need, either on the road or when you first move in. Although most of your belongings will be packed in a moving truck, it’s a good idea to have access to clothes, important documents, medications, phone chargers, food, and other essentials.

Whether you are arriving at your new residence via road trip or airplane, setting aside some essentials you will need during your first day at your new home can make your transition much easier.

5. Plan Your Road Trip

If you are planning to drive when you move into your new home, it’s best to plan your road trip. Look up information about road detours, truck stops, restaurants, and hotels so that your road trip can be as easy as possible. When you’re moving with children, you may also want to consider including a few entertaining pit stops on the way.

6. Double-Check Your Accommodations

Finally, double-check that your new residence is prepared for your arrival before you head out. Although your long-distance moving company may be able to store your items overnight, it’s best to have your new home ready to receive your belongings as soon as possible.

How Long Distance Movers Can Help You

Hiring a professional moving service is the best way to reduce your stress for a long-distance move. A professional moving service can provide you with packing supplies, inventory checklists, and other resources to make your move as easy as possible.

What Else Do You Need When You Are Moving Long Distance?

In addition to all of your tasks related to packing and moving, you will also need to take care of other practical matters. Whether you are moving during the school year or over the summer, families need to have access to important documents for children, including transcripts, vaccination records, medical history, and more.

For adults, having copies of marriage licenses, divorce decrees, social security cards, and other important documents is also essential. Although you may be able to request these documents over the phone or have them mailed to your new location, many of these documents must be originals or original copies that have been notarized. Keep your important family documents with you during your move, just to be safe.

Moving long distances is easy when you have a plan. By lightening your load, setting aside essentials, and planning ahead, your long-distance move can be stress-free. Visit Family Movers Express to start a quote for your long-distance move today.